Salam ‘Idul fitri
9 Sep 2010
Want to win DOUBLE PRIZES?
14 Nov 2010

The Fine Print
- Expires Dec 31, 2010 (about 1 month)
- 1 person may buy multiple vouchers
- Only available during weekends starting from 26th November 2010 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
- Voucher is NOT inclusive of rides, scream park and amusement park
- See the rules that apply to all deals.
- The Amusement Park features 2 themes: Wild Wild West & World of Adventure
- Peter Pan The Musical will be showing from 26th Nov 2010 – 2nd Jan 2011 at the Amphitheatre @ Sunway Lagoon
- Freak yourself out at the Scream Park! It provides an intense, exhilarating and LIVE! Interactive ‘scare’ experience such as Night At The Museum: ALIVE & SCARY, Rumah Hantu in 3DX, TERMINATOR X: A LASER BATTLE FOR SALVATION, etc.
- Take note: additional charges apply for rides, musical, scream park and amusement park
More Info, pls visit : Sunway-Lagoon