Raya Dah Dekat? Ini 6 Perkara Yang Korang Kena ‘Settle’ Sebelum Nak Pulang Beraya
12 Jun 20173 Langkah Mudah Untuk Korang Menangi Vespa S150 & Samsung Galaxy A7 Ramadan Ini
15 Jun 2017
Attillah is a former welding inspector in the oil and gas industry, and has been a Grab driver for a few years.
“I was actually a welding inspector in oil and gas before I became a Grab driver. My previous job involves working in oil rigs around the world, and I’ll be away from home for weeks. Nevertheless it provided me with a good income, but opportunities dried up,” Attillah said.
With not many welding jobs available, Attillah was desperately looking for other ways to support his family.
“I have a family to feed so I started looking for other work. Then I found out about Grab on the internet. The monthly earnings I could get from Grab was comparable to what I got earlier. I had to complete the mandatory online training and once Grab completed my background check, I started driving as a Grab Driver,” Attillah explained.
He even sold his computer so he could use the money as down payment for a better car.
He also used his Grab earnings to start a baking business with his wife.
“My wife loves to bake, and I had some money from driving for Grab that I can spare, so we started a baking business together. She bakes and I do the deliveries. It’s a great arrangement especially since my working hours are flexible,” he said.
Attillah added that as a Grab Driver, he is entitled to an exclusive rewards programme – GrabAllStars. Benefits include 3% savings on PETRONAS fuel with the special Grab Mesra Card, up to 30% savings on car maintenance, and special deals on online retail and F&B, which help to bring up his nett earnings each month.
They may sound little but these benefits actually help Attillah save up to RM300 every month! GrabAllStars help Grab drivers cut back on their daily operations costs so that they get to take home more profits from the job to use on other necessities.
Today, Attillah is one of the most successful Grab drivers in Malaysia, and is even a mentor to new drivers.
“I don’t want to give others the wrong impression. It’s tough. You get the occasional rude passenger and you can feel a little demotivated. But when you see the earnings at the end of the day, and that you can actually help the newbies, you feel happy. It’s not an easy life, but it sure is rewarding. Plus, now I can see my family everyday because of the flexible work schedule!” said Attillah.
You go, Attillah! Here’s a thumbs up from Chuck Norris for you.
Know someone who would be an awesome Grab driver like Attillah? Refer your friend here and enjoy RM50 worth of promo codes!